Thursday, January 28, 2010

Can A Felon Own A Shotgun Regarding A Felon Owning A Hunting Rifle & Shotgun In Virginia?

Regarding a felon owning a hunting rifle & shotgun in Virginia? - can a felon own a shotgun

I was told in May that can not find a criminal possession of a shotgun or rifle hunting in Virginia, and a clear answer to the search engines. Can anyone confirm or deny?
I have no answer, thank you.


rockyb said...

A person can not legally possess a firearm if they have a criminal record. If you buy a handgun or long gun from a dealer they have to do a background check, if the person is convicted of /) under indictment (or information that an offense is punishable by imprisonment, maximum one year sentence whether imposed.This was passing, a possible period of imprisonment not exceeding two years or no sanctions were imposed. This federal law is the PRI, NICS SITE / HQ / cjisd / NIC / index.htm

Dwight Guy said...

Not true. The only weapon of the time a convicted person can have is a shotgun or rifle black, none of which is classified as firearms. Many law enforcement officials, including police and probation officers are at all aware that these weapons by a criminal, to be sure you are obsessed, you must call the local police. In addition, an offense can not possess a firearm under the black dust.

The law on the possession of a firearm during a crime has nothing to do with the purchase. It is even illegal for a convicted firearms. This means no trips to the range of firearms.

Steve said...

Federal law prohibits an offender from buying a firearm, but if you already have ... I'm not so sure. I think it is a crime to possess a firearm, and no wonder the truth when it legally possess firearms to criminals. However, there are arrangements for the grandfather of most gun control legislation - and you never know ...

You need to call the ATF and local police. Can the police are reluctant to say, but know that he can not lie on the legality of it.

stormgal... said...

No, it's impossible, is a convicted criminal who, as they say, it is illegal to possess a firearm without prejudice in the United States, not even allowed, let alone sell it.
I do not know how it works in your country for forgiveness, but I think you can get too, then you may be allowed to possess firearms, it is expensive and I think it's worth it .. ... ...

Jeff said...

Some states do not allow certain categories of offenders to possess a firearm.
In some states required offenders a movement to get their gun rights to submit ...

If you wish to speak a response to an employee or an attorney in VA and learn from them.

Slim W said...

Based in 1968 Gun Control Act, a criminal can not be everywhere in the United States legally, an arm-file .. It can be bought only in the form 4473 and a reason for rejection, if you check the NCIC.

The answer is no. in each state

If you had a weapon before they are charged with a criminal, and yet the weapon that is it against federal law. They can not be compelled to reveal, but if you with a weapon who get caught will see the prison.

The only restriction is removed a formal request to have the offense and approved against the waiver in the criminal, that if the review is conducted NCIC does not show the crime submitted.

RDG78 said...

It would be nice if you have a presidential and gubernatorial elections. This should get your cancellation.
Curiously, however, offenders may be forced to register their weapons. This is because the Supreme Court of the United States of America (Haynes v. U.S., 1968), which held that a registration requirement for the protection of the 5th Novelle injured against self-incrimination.

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